Quantitative Risk Assessment

A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) involves the detailed estimation of the expected incident frequency and consequences of potential accidents associated with a facility or operation. A QRA is an increasingly preferred method of hazard evaluation based on numerical estimation and an invaluable method for making informed risk-based process safety planning decisions, as well as being fundamental to any facility siting decision-making. This analysis enables a detailed understanding of process risks, and where those risks arise from.

ioMosaic has a proven track record of performing quality QRAs. Our professionals have performed assessments globally on a wide range of facilities, such as refineries, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, tar sands, crude oil refineries, LNG facilities, and rail and marine transportation terminals. The ioMosaic team can help you make risk-based decisions with confidence.

Our Approach

ioMosaic QRAs consist of two principal steps:


  • Define meteorological and topographical data
  • Visually define population data
  • Visually define Ignition data
  • Define your risk tolerability criteria


  • Generate failure scenarios
  • Generate results (graphical and tabular)
  • Discharge
  • Dispersion
  • Toxic effects
  • Radiation effects
  • Explosion effects
  • Individual risk
  • Societal risk
  • Analysis of results
  • Risk-ranking of scenarios
  • Filtering of results
  • What-If scenarios

Quantitative Risk Assessment Tools

Process Safety Office® PHAGlobal® simplifies the recording of findings and tracking follow-up from PHAs. It also eliminates the need for any special application software when working with the results.

Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ is a state-of-the-art software tool for conducting QRAs. SuperChems™ has all the functionality necessary to conduct a QRA and can be used for calculating risk for fixed facilities, pipelines or transportation routes.

Read this article, 5 Advantages of SuperChems™ for Quantitative Risk Assessments, to learn more on the advantages of SuperChems™ for QRAs.

Ready To Learn More?

For more information on our Quantitative Risk Assessment services, call us today at 1.844.ioMosaic or send us a note. We'll be glad to answer your tough questions.

How We Can Help You

ioMosaic pioneered many of the current risk assessment techniques for processes that handle hazardous chemicals.

Our experts support every aspect to ensure that your facility runs safely and efficiently.

Expertise to help you minimize your exposure to fire, injury, property damage, and litigation.

Integrating best practices with cost-effective solutions to address program deficiencies.

Helping manage risk with facility siting studies, assessments and recommendations.

Senior knowledgeable engineers facilitate PHAs or DHAs in nearly all sectors of the process and processing industries.

Decades of experience leading incident investigations for process industry companies.

We prepare expert opinion reports and provide expert testimony for process incident cases.

Experienced engineers who have performed LOPAs on a wide range of facilities and terminals.

Our experts are at the forefront of pipeline Process Safety Management proficiency.

Offering a comprehensive range of safety, technology and risk management training.

Proven track record of performing QRAs for facilities, pipelines and transportation routes.

Well versed in assisting global companies with their sustainability reporting communications.

Decades of experience mitigating hazards for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.