Hazard Analysis (PHA/DHA)

With comprehensive PHA and DHA process safety services, software, and training, ioMosaic makes compliance easy. Our experts are knowledgeable in recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP). Each member of our team is a trained and experienced PHA Leader. Our professionals also have extensive experience using various industry-recognized methodologies such as HAZard & OPerability (HAZOP) study, “What-If” Checklist, fault tree analysis, layer of protection analysis, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Inherently Safer Technology (IST) analysis. We also provide detailed reporting to document the PHA/DHA identifying any compliance gaps with associated recommendations.

Process Hazard Analysis

A Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) is required by OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation for PSM-covered processes, NFPA 652, NFPA 654 and other NFPA regulations for combustible dust processes. It is critical to pinpoint weaknesses in the design of facilities and processes that could lead to chemical releases, fires or explosions. OSHA’s inspection results from the National Emphasis Programs launched for refineries in 2007, and the chemical industry in 2009, demonstrate that the quality of PHAs continues to be a weak link in the management of process safety issues. Our engineers have completed hundreds of PHAs for oil fields and pipelines, refineries, pulp mills, solar power plants, coal-fired power plants, pharmaceutical facilities, LNG plants, sterilization facilities, explosive manufacturers, specialty chemical plants, and many more businesses.

Dust Hazards Analysis

A Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) is required by NFPA per their standard, NFPA 652, Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust, thus making it RAGAGEP (recognized and generally acceptable good engineering practice) for the regulatory community. This NFPA standard is applicable to any facility that handles combustible dust or particulate solids. For more than a decade, our engineers have performed these types of analyses at a wide range of facilities, including specialty chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and plastic.

Construction Hazard Analysis

A Construction Hazard Analysis (CHA) is a best practice process to successfully identify and manage process safety type risks associated with construction, high risk maintenance and non routine activities on or near process safety or other high risk assets. This type of process has been recommended by the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) after a number of high profile process safety incidents with inadequate or no construction risk management resulted in catastrophic consequences including loss of life. A CHA can help the asset owner and operator understand the risk that internal resources and contractors may take at their facilities and make decisions to manage it before the work is started so that they can stay within their company’s risk profile and minimize the potential for a process safety incident. ioMosaic is very experienced in this technique and can lead your team to the safe completion of your project.

Hazard Analysis Tools

It is critical to identify flaws in the design of facilities and processes that may result in chemical releases, fires, or explosions. Get your team PSMPro™ software, a powerful suite of time-saving tools for conducting quality risk analysis. PSMPro™ simplifies the recording of findings and tracking follow-up from PHAs and DHAs. It also eliminates the need for any special application software when working with the results. The pre-populated templates are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. PSMPro™ delivers professional, branded reports and make it easier to comply with codes and standards, such as OSHA PSM, EPA RMP and NFPA, that require PHAs. Request a demo of PSMPro™ and see our software in action.

Process Safety Training

As an IACET Accredited Provider, learners can be confident that their training is provided by an elite group of educators dedicated to quality in continuing education and training. Participants will receive CEU or PDH continuing education credits. See below just a few of our offerings.

PHA/HAZOP Leader Course

Gain a thorough understanding of the essentials of leading Process Hazard Analysis (PHAs) using industry methodologies such as HAZOP, FMEA, What If, Checklist, and more via online training and a Webex® live instructor-led workshop. Read more...

Introduction to Dust Hazards Course

Learn about everyday dust hazards and how dust becomes combustible as well as get familiar with basic industry terminology and standards. Read more...

Asset Integrity Management System Basic Course

This online course teaches the essential elements of an asset integrity management system and how those elements fit together. Read more...


Interested In Learning More?

ioMosaic continues to provide safe, uninterrupted process safety services, training, and guidance hands-on or remotely including: PHAs, DHAs, PHA Revalidations, PSM Audits and any other process safety service or training. Call us today at 1.844.ioMosaic or send us a note. We would love to hear from you.



ioKinetic Combustible Dust Testing

ioKinetic is an ISO accredited, ultramodern testing facility that can help you understand the hazards, and the risks, associated with the dust being handled. Our experienced professionals will help you define what you need, conduct the testing, interpret the data, and conduct detailed analysis. Learn more.

Learn More About PHAGlobal®

Remember, OSHA regulations mandate that a PHA or DHA needs to occur every 5 years or sooner if a MOC occurs. Get your team the tools they need to conduct a quality risk analysis now.

Request a Software Quote

Ready to drive workflow efficiency at your organization? Call us at 1.844.ioMosaic or fill out our online form.

View Our Training Catalog

View our upcoming scheduled virtual and online offerings of safety, technology and risk management courses.


How We Can Help You

ioMosaic pioneered many of the current risk assessment techniques for processes that handle hazardous chemicals.

Our experts support every aspect to ensure that your facility runs safely and efficiently.

Expertise to help you minimize your exposure to fire, injury, property damage, and litigation.

Integrating best practices with cost-effective solutions to address program deficiencies.

Helping manage risk with facility siting studies, assessments and recommendations.

Senior knowledgeable engineers facilitate PHAs or DHAs in nearly all sectors of the process and processing industries.

Decades of experience leading incident investigations for process industry companies.

We prepare expert opinion reports and provide expert testimony for process incident cases.

Experienced engineers who have performed LOPAs on a wide range of facilities and terminals.

Our experts are at the forefront of pipeline Process Safety Management proficiency.

Offering a comprehensive range of safety, technology and risk management training.

Proven track record of performing QRAs for facilities, pipelines and transportation routes.

Well versed in assisting global companies with their sustainability reporting communications.

Decades of experience mitigating hazards for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.