Premium Access

Thank you for selecting ioMosaic for your project needs. We are really looking forward to working with you and your team!

Confirmation of your ‘project awarded status’ unlocks two complimentary bonuses** available NOW: one-year complimentary access to our learning management system Process Safety Learning® (PSL) and our hazard analysis software Process Safety Office® PSMPro™.

**Seats are subject to terms listed in the proposal. Terms are at the discretion of ioMosaic, and we reserve the right to modify access. Seats are non-transferable.

Process Safety Learning® (PSL) One-Year Access

Teach the importance, relevance, and need for safety at your facility and drive behavioral change for the better.

  • Unlimited access to IACET-accredited process safety training
  • Earn CEUs/PDHs upon module completion
  • Learn anytime, anywhere – flexible, self-paced learning

Process Safety Office® PSMPro™ One-Year Access

Identify flaws in the design of facilities and processes that may result in accidents with a suite of time-saving tools for conducting risk analysis.

  • All-in-one application for PHA, HAZOP, LOPA, and audits
  • Link studies, embed fault trees, and generate reports instantly
  • Easily import legacy data from other process safety software

Activate One Year Complimentary Access

* Indicates required fields

Select One or Both*
Select a choice


Have Questions?

For more information about premium access, please contact Lucia Avila via email or call (713) 490-5220.