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Know why, how, and what to do for compliance with each OSHA PSM element so you can take steps to minimize citations and increase safety. Download this.. s infographic and keep process safety top of mind at your facility 
1,3-butadiene monomer undergoes thermally initiated, reversible dimerization / trimerization reactions with essentially the same kinetics in both the ..  gaseous and liquid phases 
On 27 June 2022, a release of chlorine caused the deaths of thirteen people at the port facilities in Aqaba, Jordan. The release occurred when a large.. e 25 tonne vessel of liquefied chlorine gas was being loaded by crane to a ship in Aqaba port 
According to NFPA standards, fire water is mandatory in any operational refinery or plant. Any plant emergency may not be adequately reacted to and ov.. vercome if there is no fire protection and fire water system. Facilities can prepare the appropriate amount of fire water by deciding on the worst-case scenario in case of a plant emergency 
This article proposes a risk-based method for domino effect characterization and potential escalation for process equipment affected by thermal radiat.. tion (i.e., fires) 
On October 18, 2007, OSHA published a directive for inspection of workplaces that create or handle combustible dusts. On March 3, 2008, OSHA reissued ..  this directive “to increase its enforcement activities and to focus on specific industry groups that have experienced either frequent combustible dust incidents or combustible dust incidents with catastrophic consequences. 
Reactive chemicals are materials capable of giving rise to an uncontrolled chemical reaction (a.k.a., a runaway reaction). Reactions with a significan.. nt release of heat, gas and/or toxic materials have the potential to cause harm to people, property or the environment 
Many industries — from chemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals to food processing and mineral recovery — face combustible dust hazards in their facil.. lities 
This paper presents an advanced modeling approach which significantly improves predictions of reaction rates and critical data that engineers need to ..  design effective pressure relief systems. 
The computer program, SuperChems™ for DIERS, is a dynamic simulator, capable of performing emergency relief system and effluent handling designs for c.. complex geometries and multiphase reaction systems 
The OSHA Process Safety Management National Emphasis Program will soon apply to the chemical industry, targeting compliance with safety standards asso.. ociated with chemical hazards. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) process safety management (PSM) standard sets requirements for the management of hazards associated with processes that use highly hazardous chemicals (HHC) - e.g., chemicals that are toxic, reactive, flammable or explosive 
In this tutorial, the user is shown how to prepare a forever green chemical reaction data set from any source using a universal data taxonomy. The new.. wly upgraded and enhanced Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ data reduction tools can now be used to analyze and preserve this valuable data 
In this tutorial, the user is shown how to develop a kinetic model using their reactivity data. Learn how to develop simple iso-conversion kinetic mod.. dels and develop thermal stability indicators including TSA, TNR (Temperature of No Return), and tMR (Time to Maximum Rate) 
This poster illustrates how QRA results can provide valuable information for blast loading characterization at a given location of interest.
This poster focuses on illustrating a risk-based fire assessment in order to provide detailed results for domino effects/escalation analysis.