Our Approach

ioMosaic provides a total emergency relief system (ERS) solution including comprehensive ERS design services, classroom, onsite and online training and advanced software tools. Our experts have experience in all areas of design, from reactivity testing for design basis determination to calculations for Z-axis deflection from dynamic loads.

PSI for Pressure Relief

The Process Safety Information element of the OSHA PSM Rule (29 CFR 1910.119) requires companies to compile information on the design and design basis of relief systems. To assist companies in meeting this need, ioMosaic can collect and field-verify the data for existing pressure-relief devices. Equipped with our standardized pressure-relief device data sheets, we can efficiently compile the information required and conduct a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA).

Codified Design Basis Determination

The critical first step in designing or verifying an emergency relief device or system is establishing and documenting the design basis. Safeguarding documentation, an industry-established methodology and the most thorough technique available for identifying all possible pressure-relief device contingencies, provides a framework to determine the controlling relief scenarios for all pressure-relief devices and vents. It also significantly reduces the time it takes to complete a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA).

Leading Edge PRD Design Computation

ioMosaic is the developer of leading-edge technology used by the Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS). We work side by side with DIERS to continue providing the next-generation computer program for ERS and effluent handling design. Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ for DIERS software is a dynamic simulator, capable of performing ERS and effluent handling designs for complex geometries and multiphase reaction systems. For more straightforward API-based evaluations, the QuikSize feature will allow fast verification of relieving capacity.

Structural Dynamics

Containment systems and relief piping must withstand the dynamic loading caused by shocks, steady-state forces, and rapid temperature increases of an over-pressure release event. Because these stresses are typically complex, designers often compensate for a lack of confidence in the analysis of the design with overly conservative safety factors. ioMosaic provides you with years of experience and thorough understanding of the forces that arise during a release event, resulting in increased confidence in the design of your relief valves, include more appropriate safety factors, and reduce costs at your facility.

Integrated Effluent Handling

Complete ERS design goes beyond estimating relief-device size to assess how the effluent handling system interacts with the pressure relief design. Our industry standard, simulation tool Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ allows the integral evaluation of relief dynamics and downstream system effects. For example, it can evaluate the time-dependent history of pressure, temperature, and composition in a reactor as the relief occurs. At the same time, it models effluent discharge to determine flow parameters and meet established (regulatory or internal) criteria. SuperChems™ also has flame models for determining flare radiation levels at user-specified coordinate points. Radiation values compare exceptionally well as those measured from a real flare.

Benchmark Calorimetry

An exothermic runaway reaction occurs when the system's exponential heat-generation rate exceeds its heat-removal capacity. ioMosaic testing services, using industry standard adiabatic calorimetry, are used to provide:

  • Actual temperature and pressure data for kinetic modeling
  • Confirming predicted events following the activation of an Emergency Relief System
  • Directly measuring physical property data of complex mixtures

Process Simulation Studies

Maintaining up-to-date, accurate process simulation data is paramount to the safe, efficient operation of a plant and is a valuable aid to process optimization. ioMosaic offers our Process Simulation service, as part of an Emergency Relief System (ERS) Design project, or as part of our Process Technology Evaluation and Assessment services. ioMosaic is able to combine the use of our ERS and dynamic simulation software SuperChems™, together with the industry standard process simulation tool HYSYS®, to offer a complete service. ioMosaic can include the following as part of our studies:

  • Development of heat and material balances, for existing operations
  • Sensitivity analyses to identify the optimal design based on operating and business targets
  • Assessment of equipment deficiencies, such as heat exchanger fouling, and column flooding
  • Equipment sizing verification and recommendation
  • Evaluation of feed changes, upsets and equipment downtime

ioMosaic Training

ioMosaic offers in-person training, virtual training, and online training courses on Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ software, pressure relief design and related topics such as thermal hazard evaluation, advanced data analysis for adiabatic calorimetry, process safety for flammability and explosions, and consequence analysis. View our Training Catalog for our latest offerings or contact us to request more information.

ioMosaic Software Tools

Our Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ software is an advanced tool for pressure-relief design, consequence analysis, and thermal hazard assessment. The program contains an extensive data-bank of more than 1,200 components with equation-of-state-based computer code and many features that add tremendous value to the quality of a detailed hazard analysis. Its accuracy has been extensively validated. SuperChems™ also features scenario/object-driven architecture, which allows a defined object (such as a vessel or piping configuration) to be used in multiple scenarios. Once defined, it can be duplicated to facilitate what-if or sensitivity analysis.

We Can Help

ioMosaic can help you comply with internal company standards and global industry standards such as CCPS, ACC, API Standard, OSHA’s PSM Standard, and EPA’s RMP Rule. Call us today at 1.844.ioMosaic or send us a note. We'd love to hear from you.

How We Can Help You

Better evaluate hazards in your facility with an accurate process simulation.

Delivering properly designed pressure relief systems that save both money and time.

Our risk-based approach helps mitigate near-unventable scenarios to a tolerable level of risk.

Our team has decades of experience performing PRFS analysis and design.