About Our Team

The capabilities and industry knowledge to determine what’s needed to reduce risk, improve efficiency and maintain compliance.

Our team is renowned worldwide for their expertise and experience. Their credentials include doctoral degrees, expert testimony experience, international experience, software development leadership and risk management proficiency for companies both in the U.S. and abroad.

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Meet Our Executive Team

Ehab Shaaban, Ph.D.

Laboratory Chemist

Mr. Shaaban is well-versed in laboratory testing and chemical engineering. He is responsible for testing protocols and preparation, as well as working with clients to determine their testing requirements and reviewing and reporting test results.


Handles, tests, and characterizes combustible dusts using explosion severity testing (KsT), minimum ignition energy testing (MIE), minimum auto-ignition temperature testing (MAIT), minimum explosible concentration testing (MEC), particle size analysis, and moisture content determination.

Measures calorimetric properties of chemical reactions using Accelerating-Rate Calorimetry (ARC©), Automatic Pressure-Tracking Adiabatic Calorimetry (APTAC™), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).

Performs all tests and ensure accurate data collection and analysis according to ASTM standards.

Collaborates with clients to understand their process safety concerns and develop appropriate testing plans.

Prepares detailed technical reports summarizing test results, analysis, and recommendations for process improvement.

Investigated the metal-metal oxide interaction in catalysts used for COx hydrogenation reactions, and how this interaction affects the adsorption properties of molecules involved in such reactions (CO2, H2, CO, and H2O) using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Measured and analyzed x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) data for different metals doped in a perovskite oxide. The goal was to understand the mechanism of cluster formation as metal cations were reductively segregated from the hosting oxide.

Participated in various research projects on hydrogen storage, photocatalysis, and refractory materials. Experienced with a wide spectrum of instruments and experimental techniques, including metallurgical and mechanochemical synthesis techniques for material synthesis, wet chemistry techniques such as Sol-Gel and microemulsion, x-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence, particle size analyzers, UV-VIS and FTIR spectrometer, chromatography and mass spectrometer, contact angle and surface energy measurements, and scanning electron and atomic force microscope, and others.

Publications and Presentations Sampling

Shaaban, E. (2024). Determination of boiling temperatures using a differential scanning calorimeter. ioKinetic. https://www.iokinetic.com/resources/publications/publication-details/docs/default-source/Publications/determination-of-boiling-temperatures-using-a-differential-scanning-calorimeter

Jin, T. Huang, P., Fenton, T. & Li, G. Shaaban, E. (presenter) (2022, March). Activation of supported cobalt oxide nanoparticles for solar CO2 reduction. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. San Diego Convention Center,111 W. Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101, USA.

Shaaban, E., Okolie, N., Huang, P., & Li, G. (2019, August). Single-site catalysts on nanostructured semiconductor surfaces for solar CO2 reduction. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 258). 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC.

Shaaban, E., Li, G. Probing active sites for carbon oxides hydrogenation on Cu/TiO2 using infrared spectroscopy. Commun Chem 5, 32 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-022-00650-2.

Jin, L.; Shaaban, E.; Bamonte, S.; Cintron, D.; Shuster, S.; Zhang, L.; Li, G.; He, J. “Surface Basicity of Metal@TiO2 to Enhance Photocatalytic Efficiency for CO2 Reduction,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2021, 13, 38595-38603.

El-Eskandarany, M. S., Shaban, E., Al-Matrouk, H., Behbehani, M., Alkandary, A., Aldakheel, F., Ahmed, S. A. Structure, morphology and hydrogen storage kinetics of nanocomposite MgH2/10 wt% ZrNi5 powders. Materials Today Energy 3 (2017) 60-71.


University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry

Benha University, Egypt
M.Sc., Chemistry

Menofia University, Egypt
B.Sc., Chemistry

Meet Our Project Leaders

Ehab Shaaban, Ph.D.

Laboratory Chemist

Mr. Shaaban is well-versed in laboratory testing and chemical engineering. He is responsible for testing protocols and preparation, as well as working with clients to determine their testing requirements and reviewing and reporting test results.


Handles, tests, and characterizes combustible dusts using explosion severity testing (KsT), minimum ignition energy testing (MIE), minimum auto-ignition temperature testing (MAIT), minimum explosible concentration testing (MEC), particle size analysis, and moisture content determination.

Measures calorimetric properties of chemical reactions using Accelerating-Rate Calorimetry (ARC©), Automatic Pressure-Tracking Adiabatic Calorimetry (APTAC™), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).

Performs all tests and ensure accurate data collection and analysis according to ASTM standards.

Collaborates with clients to understand their process safety concerns and develop appropriate testing plans.

Prepares detailed technical reports summarizing test results, analysis, and recommendations for process improvement.

Investigated the metal-metal oxide interaction in catalysts used for COx hydrogenation reactions, and how this interaction affects the adsorption properties of molecules involved in such reactions (CO2, H2, CO, and H2O) using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Measured and analyzed x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) data for different metals doped in a perovskite oxide. The goal was to understand the mechanism of cluster formation as metal cations were reductively segregated from the hosting oxide.

Participated in various research projects on hydrogen storage, photocatalysis, and refractory materials. Experienced with a wide spectrum of instruments and experimental techniques, including metallurgical and mechanochemical synthesis techniques for material synthesis, wet chemistry techniques such as Sol-Gel and microemulsion, x-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence, particle size analyzers, UV-VIS and FTIR spectrometer, chromatography and mass spectrometer, contact angle and surface energy measurements, and scanning electron and atomic force microscope, and others.

Publications and Presentations Sampling

Shaaban, E. (2024). Determination of boiling temperatures using a differential scanning calorimeter. ioKinetic. https://www.iokinetic.com/resources/publications/publication-details/docs/default-source/Publications/determination-of-boiling-temperatures-using-a-differential-scanning-calorimeter

Jin, T. Huang, P., Fenton, T. & Li, G. Shaaban, E. (presenter) (2022, March). Activation of supported cobalt oxide nanoparticles for solar CO2 reduction. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. San Diego Convention Center,111 W. Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101, USA.

Shaaban, E., Okolie, N., Huang, P., & Li, G. (2019, August). Single-site catalysts on nanostructured semiconductor surfaces for solar CO2 reduction. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 258). 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC.

Shaaban, E., Li, G. Probing active sites for carbon oxides hydrogenation on Cu/TiO2 using infrared spectroscopy. Commun Chem 5, 32 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-022-00650-2.

Jin, L.; Shaaban, E.; Bamonte, S.; Cintron, D.; Shuster, S.; Zhang, L.; Li, G.; He, J. “Surface Basicity of Metal@TiO2 to Enhance Photocatalytic Efficiency for CO2 Reduction,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2021, 13, 38595-38603.

El-Eskandarany, M. S., Shaban, E., Al-Matrouk, H., Behbehani, M., Alkandary, A., Aldakheel, F., Ahmed, S. A. Structure, morphology and hydrogen storage kinetics of nanocomposite MgH2/10 wt% ZrNi5 powders. Materials Today Energy 3 (2017) 60-71.


University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry

Benha University, Egypt
M.Sc., Chemistry

Menofia University, Egypt
B.Sc., Chemistry