About Our Team

The capabilities and industry knowledge to determine what’s needed to reduce risk, improve efficiency and maintain compliance.

Our team is renowned worldwide for their expertise and experience. Their credentials include doctoral degrees, expert testimony experience, international experience, software development leadership and risk management proficiency for companies both in the U.S. and abroad.

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Meet Our Executive Team

Peter Stickles, P.E.

Principal Consultant

Mr. Stickles is a senior partner at ioMosaic Corporation and has over 50 years of experience in the fields of chemical process safety, petroleum refining and petrochemical technology, and process design having previously worked for Arthur D. Little, Inc., and Stone & Webster Engineering.

Prior to joining ioMosaic Corporation, Mr. Stickles’ roles in the process safety field have included facilitation of process hazard analyses, quantitative risk assessment, fault tree analysis, process safety management training course development, reliability analysis, and management of the process safety management business area for Arthur D. Little, Inc.

Experience Sampling

His knowledge ranges from relief system data gathering, isometric sketching, emergency relief system contingency analysis, and flare system evaluation. He has also analyzed maximizing existing flare and vent header systems utilizing risk-based applications of high integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS).

Leading a QRA study of an LNG storage and re-vaporization facility located in Canada.

Evaluated the incident frequency of tube failures in black liquor boilers to assess the risk of boiler explosion.

Facilitated numerous process hazard analyses (PHAs) using various hazard identification techniques, including HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and What-if technique.

Team leader for environmental and safety performance review initiated by whistle blowers to the US Congress.

Major contributor on risk assessment for proposed reservoir development EIR in California State waters.

For Santa Barbara county, prepared qualitative risk assessment of the proposed extension of the inspection interval (Continuance of Departure) for the Hermosa-Gaviota Pt. Arguello Natural Gas Pipeline (PANGL), operated by Plains Exploration and Production Co. (PXP).

Major contributor on risk assessment of the Environmental Impact Report Risk of Upset Analysis for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to address oil and gas leasing and development on public lands and federal mineral estate in the Hollister Field Office (HFO).

Lead PHA of GasFrac™ fracturing technology for reservoir stimulation.

Developed and provided expert testimony on behalf of a major energy company before the Australian Royal Commission investigating the Longford Gas Plant explosion.

Prepared defense arguments for contractor M.W. Kellogg when they were implicated in the explosion of the polyethylene plant of Phillips Petroleum in Deer Park, Texas. Kellogg was eventually dropped as a defendant in the case.

Publication Sampling

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Portfolio Risk Management for Process Safety”. Proceedings of the 7th Global Congress on Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago, March 2011.

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Conducting Process Hazard Analyses for Dust-Handling Operations”. CEP, February 2009.

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Emergency Relief Systems under Fire Exposure”. Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 91, No. 1, 1995.


Registered Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Northeastern University,
M.S., Mechanical Engineering

Northeastern University
B.S., Chemical Engineering

Meet Our Project Leaders

Peter Stickles, P.E.

Principal Consultant

Mr. Stickles is a senior partner at ioMosaic Corporation and has over 50 years of experience in the fields of chemical process safety, petroleum refining and petrochemical technology, and process design having previously worked for Arthur D. Little, Inc., and Stone & Webster Engineering.

Prior to joining ioMosaic Corporation, Mr. Stickles’ roles in the process safety field have included facilitation of process hazard analyses, quantitative risk assessment, fault tree analysis, process safety management training course development, reliability analysis, and management of the process safety management business area for Arthur D. Little, Inc.

Experience Sampling

His knowledge ranges from relief system data gathering, isometric sketching, emergency relief system contingency analysis, and flare system evaluation. He has also analyzed maximizing existing flare and vent header systems utilizing risk-based applications of high integrity pressure protection systems (HIPPS).

Leading a QRA study of an LNG storage and re-vaporization facility located in Canada.

Evaluated the incident frequency of tube failures in black liquor boilers to assess the risk of boiler explosion.

Facilitated numerous process hazard analyses (PHAs) using various hazard identification techniques, including HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and What-if technique.

Team leader for environmental and safety performance review initiated by whistle blowers to the US Congress.

Major contributor on risk assessment for proposed reservoir development EIR in California State waters.

For Santa Barbara county, prepared qualitative risk assessment of the proposed extension of the inspection interval (Continuance of Departure) for the Hermosa-Gaviota Pt. Arguello Natural Gas Pipeline (PANGL), operated by Plains Exploration and Production Co. (PXP).

Major contributor on risk assessment of the Environmental Impact Report Risk of Upset Analysis for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to address oil and gas leasing and development on public lands and federal mineral estate in the Hollister Field Office (HFO).

Lead PHA of GasFrac™ fracturing technology for reservoir stimulation.

Developed and provided expert testimony on behalf of a major energy company before the Australian Royal Commission investigating the Longford Gas Plant explosion.

Prepared defense arguments for contractor M.W. Kellogg when they were implicated in the explosion of the polyethylene plant of Phillips Petroleum in Deer Park, Texas. Kellogg was eventually dropped as a defendant in the case.

Publication Sampling

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Portfolio Risk Management for Process Safety”. Proceedings of the 7th Global Congress on Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago, March 2011.

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Conducting Process Hazard Analyses for Dust-Handling Operations”. CEP, February 2009.

Stickles, R. P., (co-author), “Emergency Relief Systems under Fire Exposure”. Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 91, No. 1, 1995.


Registered Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Northeastern University,
M.S., Mechanical Engineering

Northeastern University
B.S., Chemical Engineering