Daniel Wilkes

Safety and Risk Management Analyst

Mr. Wilkes is experienced in pressure relief and flare system design and analysis for large chemical and petrochemical companies in Europe, the United States and the Middle East. His experience includes relief system mitigation, steady-state and dynamic simulations, atmospheric dispersion analysis, evaluating flare header systems, and performing steady state and dynamic deflagration studies. Mr. Wilkes also has practical experience with numerous software packages including Process Safety Office® SuperChems™, iPRSM, PHAST, MATLAB, Aspen Plus, Visio, AutoCAD, and GROMACS Molecular Simulation (LINUX).

Project Sampling

Performs emergency relief system (ERS) design for petrochemical and public utilities companies.

Experienced with the development of relief system mitigation options and provides advice for global clients.

Performs steady-state and dynamic simulations on vessels, column systems, and reactors based on API and DIERS standards for single and multiphase flow, including detailed wall temperature dynamics.

Performs atmospheric dispersion analysis for toxicity, flammability, thermal radiation, and noise.

Performs steady state and dynamic deflagration studies to analyze overpressure, flame acceleration and reaction forces for blast vent sizing.

Performs Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) studies, HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) studies, and Layers of Protection Analysis (LOP) methodologies, and LNG hazard analysis.

Performed research into the characterization of pharmaceutical molecules using molecular simulation techniques, presented at Thermodynamics 2019.


Facilitates hands-on training on advanced features of SuperChems™.

Produces and delivers pressure relief engineering lectures to final year MEng students at the University of Bath.

Professional Affiliations

Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)


Settle-Out Pressure Methodologies Newsletter

Dynamic Vapor Breakthrough: Avoiding Pitfalls for ERS Design Newsletter


University of Bath
Chemical Engineering, Masters (MEng) First Class with Honours