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Criteria for Evaluating Flare Networks Newsletter

Sep 5, 2024, 15:58 PM by Deborah Rivero
In this newsletter, find an overview of what criteria to keep in mind when evaluating a flare network and helpful regulatory compliance resources.

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Many petrochemical companies are currently engaged in flare systems review and upgrade projects. They wish to ensure continuing safe operations, to maximize the use of their existing flare systems, and to minimize the need for modifying existing flare structures or building new ones.

In this newsletter, get an overview of what criteria to keep in mind when evaluating a flare network. This does not cover every possible issue that may arise in a flare system but rather provides background knowledge for the evaluation of a flare network. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Regulatory Compliance Guidance
  • Development of Scenarios
  • Hydraulic Calculations
  • Pressure and Temperature Profile
  • Acoustically Induced Vibrations (AIV)
  • Horizontal Knockout Drum Sizing
  • Vertical Knockout Drum Sizing
  • Consequence Modeling

Learn what to look for when evaluating the potential flare header deficiencies or to make sure the flare is adequately sized.

Have a great and safe day.


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