We'll show you what ioMosaic can do to improve process safety in your organization.
A versatile tool for risk analysis, facility siting, PRFS evaluation and design, and more
Simplify the recording of findings and tracking of follow-up from PHAs
Browse training, attend courses, and get certified anytime and anywhere with our easy to use LMS
Boost your process safety with a 24/7 on-demand digital video streaming platform
Maximize your process safety management program with a PSM toolbox
Manage your critical process safety management data in one integrated platform
View the Newsletter
A recent survey of engineering and safety information management, across diverse process industries, identified three primary problems which are summarized below:
Essentially, ineffective engineering and safety information management has direct consequences on cost, schedule, safety, and reliability. Projects may be delayed, experience cost overruns, or fail to discover critical safety risks when teams attempt to manage process safety across multiple siloed systems. Your organization needs to keep project work and activities where they are easily accessible, yet secure.
In this newsletter, John Barker explains how organisations can improve the accessibility and accuracy of their engineering and safety information while reducing information fragmentation. Process Safety Enterprise® enables easy ongoing management of process safety data, helping businesses achieve compliance, manage risk, and remain competitive.
This newsletter also includes access to the two-minute video demonstrating the Process Safety Enterprise® asset integrity workflow functionality. Users can create reports for upcoming and overdue AI inspections as well as AI findings open and overdue reports.
Have a great and safe day.
Jan 27-28, 2025
Feb 25-27, 2025
March 18, 2025