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View the Newsletter
Like other industries, the biofuel sector has common hazards and potential consequences related to dust explosion threats, handling flammable liquid processes and storage, and toxic or corrosive materials handling. The risk level associated with a catastrophic event can be easily reduced with proactive, well-established risk management practices and safeguards.
In this newsletter, Judy Perry, CCPSC, discusses the key catastrophic hazards, historical incidents, and applicable regulatory standards.
An incident involving any one of these hazards has the potential to impact the environment, cause personal injury, cause a significant business interruption and/or property damage, and has the potential to impact the entire industry.
Bonus! This newsletter also includes access to the 43-minute PStv® video presentation on two risk categories, construction and lithium-ion batteries, as well as practical steps on how to identify and manage possible hazards using the Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) methodology. Qualitative techniques are presented to identify flaws in the design and operation of facilities that may lead to accidents and to assess the risk.
Have a great and safe day.
March 27, 2025
Apr 6-10, 2025
April 22, 2025