Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is at the heart of the risk-based approach to major decisions such as facility siting, expansion plans, technology and equipment selection, asset inspection and maintenance strategies, insurance options, and emergency planning.
Join us in Houston, TX, on September 29-30, 2025, for this in-person course facilitated and led by Ram Goyal, well known for his contributions to QRA-based decision making and the author of “Management of Change” Chapter 9 in the UK IChemE book Process Safety Management and Human Factors.
This course provides a foundational understanding of risk quantification principles, techniques, and practices as they apply in the chemical, petrochemical, oil, gas, and process industries where the inadvertent release of flammable and/or toxic substances can potentially cause harm to people, the environment, or facilities.
Learners will be introduced to the key components of QRA such as estimating the frequencies or rates of events with potential for hazardous outcomes, release rates, flammable material pools, vapor cloud dispersion, and subsequent harm from fires, explosions, or toxic vapors. They will gain a clear understanding of what the current industry best practices are in determining (un)acceptability of the risk, computed both in terms of Individual Risk and Societal Risk, and how to reduce an identified risk to a level As Low As Reasonably Practicable (the ALARP principle).
Earn CEUs: 1.2 | PDHs: 12
Monday, September 29, 2025 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CST Tuesday, September 30, 2025 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
This course is suited for site management, engineering, risk management, and process safety professionals seeking a quantitative risk analysis method for evaluating and reducing risk to an acceptable or tolerable level.
Course fees include continental breakfast and lunch. Travel and hotel accommodations are not included.
Top instructors with extensive industry, technical and litigation experience. Clear, practical recommendations on how to get and stay compliant.
A seasoned leader in engineering project management and safety standards, specializing in Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA). Read more...
Email: ruth.l.tx@iomosaic.com
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Contact: Lisa Ruth Email: ruth.l.tx@iomosaic.com Tel: 713.490.5220
Top instructors with extensive global, industry, technical and litigation experience. You will receive clear, practical and real world recommendations on how to get and stay compliant with local and worldwide regulations.