Dates: Jun 25, 2021
A Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) involves the detailed estimation of the expected frequency and consequences of potential accidents associated with a facility or operation. A QRA is an invaluable method for making informed risk-based process safety planning decisions, as well as being fundamental to any facility siting decision-making. It enables a detailed understanding of process risks and where those risks arise from. In conducting a QRA, these risks can be better managed and mitigated. Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ has all the functionality required to conduct a QRA and can be used to calculate risk for fixed facilities, pipelines, or transportation routes. Here are five advantages of using SuperChems™ for your QRAs.
Accurately model vapor and two phase mixture dispersions.
SuperChems™ enables users to accurately evaluate hazards for mixtures containing more than one flammable and/or toxic component.
SuperChems™ source term models are used to more accurately define relief rate rates based on process conditions, leading to a more precise estimation of risk.
Once you have determined the potential outcomes of a Loss of Containment, the consequence can be plotted against a geo reference plot plan – this takes credit for the elevation as well as the horizontal distance from the release source.
Using the consequence results and frequency data, SuperChems™ users can then build an accurate risk report to determine the levels of individual and societal risk for the site. The overall integrated level of risk created from all Loss of containment events can be calculated.
To learn more about SuperChems™ or to request a demo, please contact us at 1.844.ioMosaic or send us a note via our online form. To get help from our highly trained technical support experts, submit a ticket to our online support center. We'll be glad to assist.