Ensure a Safe Work Environment with a Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Audit Newsletter

Ensure a Safe Work Environment with a Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Audit Newsletter


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Regular, periodic review, analysis, and practice of procedures prepare a facility to act correctly in response to problems that may arise. By taking a regulatory approach, significant issues can be revealed and process safety programs improved.

Read this newsletter by Rajeev Kumar to learn how to ensure the safe and successful startup of equipment, a unit, or a process plant using a regulatory approach to Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) audits. Topics include:

  • Overview of Regulations
  • PSSR Tasks
  • PSSR Goals
  • OSHA PSM Elements
  • PSSR Team Members
  • Real World PSSR Findings

The OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard 29 CFR 1910.119 Elements provide an excellent framework for an audit protocol because other frameworks typically only concentrate on one element of good practice and can miss the interlinkage between different related areas.


This newsletter also includes access to the 19-minute video, Navigating the RAGAGEP Maze, where Georges Melhem, Ph.D., FAIChE, explains the operational challenges of RAGAGEP and what risk reduction measures an organization can take as it applies.

Have a great and safe day.


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