Incorporating Risk into the Pressure Relief System Design Process Newsletter

Incorporating Risk into the Pressure Relief System Design Process Newsletter


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Integrating the pressure relief system design into existing PSM practices reduces the effort and cost of developing and maintaining relief system design basis documentation and focuses the designers’ intent on improving plant safety. This newsletter by Neil Prophet presents a risk-based approach to pressure relief system design to ensure adequate overpressure protection systems and sound investment in human and capital resources focused on risk reduction. He covers:

  • Process
  • Hazard Identification
  • Risk Analysis Introduction
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Consequence Analysis
  • Risk Reduction

Risk is the product of consequence and frequency of a scenario. The steps in a risk-based approach to pressure relief system design are similar to a typical revalidation, but also focus on quantifying the frequency of occurrence of the overpressure scenario being analyzed, and the magnitude of accumulation.

This newsletter also includes access to a complimentary 27-minute presentation demonstrating real-world examples of new SuperChems™ functionality, ranging from boundary control and pressure relief stability to reaction forces on process and relief piping.

Have a great and safe day.


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