Managing LNG Risks: Separating Facts from Myths
Some parts of the US media have managed to dramatize key issues surrounding LNG transportation, facility operations, and proposed new projects. Erroneous media speculation and sensationalism, especially regarding the threat of terrorism, have created an atmosphere of anti-LNG sentiment fueled by fear and paranoia. The media are partly influenced by erroneous, so-called independent expert analysis and public statements. This has been exacerbated by political and public concerns and pressure, skepticism and doubts over recent studies and statements from LNG companies and government agencies, as well as historical and recent incidents such as Skikda. It is becoming very difficult for the average person to separate fact from fiction because of this sensationalism and the hidden motives and private agendas of various working groups. This paper will separate facts from myths regarding statements reported by various newspapers, working groups, and web sites.
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