PSM Compliance Made Easy with Process Safety Enterprise®

How often has a project in your facility been delayed or endured budget overruns due to a lack of readily available and accurate engineering and safety information? How many times have you updated the same information in a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) and other process safety information (PSI) in successive process hazard analyses (PHAs)?

How much time does your average plant engineer spend locating and verifying information required in executing day-to-day functions such as Management of Change (MOC)? How many times has your facility incurred a near-miss or worse, an incident due to poorly documented procedures, training, or other safe work practices?

How much money and lost opportunity is all this costing your company? Finally, how many times have you thought about fixing the problem?

A recent survey of engineering and safety information management, across diverse process industries, identified three primary problems which are summarized below:

Table 1. Primary Problems Associated with Engineering and Safety Information Management

Accessibility – easy and quick access to basic information such as equipment / instrumentation data, operating procedures, process data, PSI, etc., for all stakeholders continues to pose a significant challenge. The site faces schedule delays in plant projects, PHAs, audits, etc. Project delays directly affect the bottom-line due to “lost” production, contract overruns, etc.
Accuracy – MOC programs have not proven effective in keeping the information updated. Many sites have MOC backlogs that run in the hundreds. At best, the site incurs redundant costs to verify information prior to a project (such as an outdated relief system design basis). At worst, a serious incident could be the result of inaccurate information, such as an outdated maintenance procedure.
Fragmentation – information management systems largely operate in functional silos (engineering, maintenance, safety, etc.) and are incapable of leveraging the knowledge stored in them beyond their inherent functions. The site is unable to utilize resources expanded in previous initiatives and historical engineering, operating and safety data to improve safety and reliability and overall financial performance.


Moving forward, our challenge is how to harness the power of process safety knowledge and workflows to leverage our existing information (in many different formats), prior investments in information updates, existing information management systems, and explicit understanding of our work processes to realize the hidden value of effective engineering and safety information management.

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