Rick Engler was nominated by President Obama to the U.S. Chemical Safety Board in January 2014 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in December 2014. Before his appointment, Mr. Engler spent more than four decades helping to prevent hazards, including to ensure that workers and the public had a “right to know” about chemical dangers. He also helped lead successful efforts to achieve landmark state and national policies on hazard communication, adoption of inherently safer processes, worker participation and whistleblower protection.
2020 Process Safety Vision Forward
CSB Updates
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Learn to Simplify Relief Calculations
How to Handle Reactive/NonReactive Relief With SuperChems™
Reynosa Gas Explosion Consequence Modeling Case Study
Tips to Get the Most from SuperChems™
Improve Compliance and ITPM Tracking Using PSE’s Asset Integrity Module
PSM Auditing – Why It Matters Case Study
Enhancing Process Safety to 20/20 With PSL and PStv®
Rupture Disk Design for Runaway Reactions in Tempered Systems
Interactive RoundTable Sessions