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The kinetic parameters of runaway reactions are typically assessed by trial and error, one at a time. If some knowledge of the system exists, such as the reaction order, then the simplest case would require two parameters: the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy. Even this unpretentious condition presents hurdles. How do we get the optimum of both parameters?
In this newsletter, Enio Kumpinsky explains the best approach to obtaining kinetic model parameters using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with a Central Composite Design (CCD). Process Safety Office® SuperChems™ software is ideal for evaluating upset scenarios with runaway chemical reactions.
We cannot effectively develop kinetic parameters for a runaway chemical reaction by trial and error.
Trial and error is still useful. A few trials assuming reasonably valued design factors can help narrow the search for their optimized values.
This newsletter also includes access to the white paper Kinetics Development with RSM Part 1: Acetic Anhydride-Methanol Reaction by @Enio Kumpinsky which employs the exothermic reaction of acetic anhydride with methanol yielding methyl acetate and acetic acid, a known chemical reaction, to provide the background for kinetic development with Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
Have a great and safe day.
Feb 25-27, 2025
March 18, 2025
Apr 6-10, 2025