It Is All About System Building

Case Study for Process Safety Excellence

A chemical company's annual demand had increased from 1.5 million parts to 60 million in a 4-year timeframe. Their production schedule expanded from a 5-day, 8-hour shift to a 24/7 operation. As production demands grew, it became increasingly critical to implement a more effective, long-term process safety system. Watch this video to hear about one company's journey to optimized process safety.

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PSE Helps Ensure Compliance With the 14 Elements of Process Safety Management

Employees must be involved in every aspect of the facility's PSM program.

Workers must be able to access and understand the data on HHC-related risks.

A team must identify, evaluate, and control the process hazards.

Companies must have clear instructions for the covered process activities.

Workers need documented training on covered processes and procedures.

Contract workers must be trained on potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards.

A detailed review of new or modified facilities is required before startup.

Periodic, documented inspections and testing are required for process equipment.

Supervisors must issue permits to workers for flame or spark-producing activities.

Companies need standard procedures for managing changes in production systems.

Companies must investigate incidents that result in a catastrophic release.

Employers must create emergency plans for handling HHC-related releases.

Companies must evaluate compliance with PSM-NEP at least once every 3 years.

Employees have the right to know the processes that may affect their health and safety.

PSE Features & Benefits

Process Safety Enterprise® manages all process safety information, enables knowledge sharing, and enhances communication and collaboration — all on one platform. PSE also manages with ease any legacy data or documents, regardless of form and tool. Choose from a hosted application, a physical appliance or a virtual machine solution.

Knowledge Sharing

  • Manages legacy data in text or graphic format regardless of form and tool, such as P&IDs, materials of construction, ERS design, chemical hazards information, and so on
  • Users can manage and communicate action items, identify deficiencies, assign and schedule tasks, and share recommendations with team members, whether they are users or non-users
  • Comprehensive step-by-step workflows help users meet a wide range of regulatory requirements and standards, simplifying PSM compliance
  • Standardized workflows include Asset Integrity, Emergency Relief System Design, Incident Investigation and Management of Change Workflows can be customized to meet international risk management and safety culture requirements
  • Supports efficient and secure bulk importing and exporting of files

Data Security

  • 128-bit SSL Certification and data encryption protocols
  • 24/7 proactive monitoring to speed issue identification and resolution
  • Automatic nightly backup of data at secure off-site facilities
  • System maintenance is communicated in advance and performed during off-peak intervals
  • Choose from a hosted application, a physical appliance, or a virtual machine solution

Document Management

  • Information Rights Management protocols protect files against change by unauthorized users
  • Users can restrict permission to files on a per-user, per-file, or per-group basis
  • Permission levels include read, change, or full control, with the option of adding an expiration date
  • Version control protocols automatically archive all previous versions of files
  • Default data storage capacity per organization is 1 TB, more space available for an additional fee
  • Users can organize files into folders and add tags and descriptions for advanced search functionality

Customer Care & Training

  • Quick start Process Safety Enterprise® user guide
  • Asset Integrity Workflow user instruction manual
  • Web-based training courses and user events
  • Technical support experts available both online and via telephone


Tools for Managing Process Safety Information

Asset Integrity Workflow

Centralizes all equipment specific information, manages inspection tasks, and identifies deficiencies all in a single electronic form. Read more...

Emergency Relief System Design Workflow

Manage detailed pressure relief valve reports and supporting documentation for each operating unit or an entire facility on one platform. Read more...

Incident Investigation Workflow

Manage your entire incident reporting and investigation process online from the initial reporting to closure for all your locations worldwide. Read more...

Management of Change Workflow

Stay on top of business processes such as Management of Change (MOC), compliance assurance, pre-startup safety review (PSSR), and capital projects. Read more...


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What Our Clients Say

“The folks at ioMosaic are always pleasant to work with and take care of our requests quickly.”
“I appreciated the quick turn around on requests for changes made during the testing phase for three new PSE modules we wanted.”
“We recently added three new modules to PSE to replace paper processes for Personnel MOCs, New Chemical Approval, and Variances) in the plant. It will now be so much easier to use these three new modules instead of trying to keep track of paper copies.”
“Customer service is excellent! Working with Tao to help solve problems and teach me how to use the system to it's fullest has been a wonderful experience.”
“The customizable aspect of PSE program makes it easy to have multiple risk assessments/approvals at the beginning of the MOC lifecycle.”
“PSE has made auditing the MOC system much faster. Since it is customizable, it also makes it a lot easier to meet our needs and comply with OSHA PSM. It makes the MOC approval process so much faster than paper.”
“Before PSE, our MOC communication was a lot slower and much more cumbersome with a paper system.”
“We chose PSE as cost was a factor; it was less than some of the other options we reviewed. Also, the ability to format the workflows to incorporate our existing procedures and practices met the needs of our facility PSM program.”
“The new cloud-based hosting service from ioMosaic has improved our overall operating speed as well as provided a much quicker response. Prior to cloud-based service, our IT staff had to take time to coordinate updates.”
“We have no other providers who respond and resolve issues as quickly as the team supporting our PSE system. The support is second to none and is greatly appreciated.”
“Prior to utilizing PSE we had a manual paper process for our MOCs and PSSRs. This required a significant amount of time for routing and walking paperwork around. The ability to streamline MOC and PSSR forms electronically significantly reduced our workload.”

Featured Videos


PSE Safe Work Permit Workflow Demo

This workflow improves process safety oversight as well as employee and contractor safety. It gathers all relevant information from stakeholders consistently, and approval is not issued until all requirements are met step by step. You can easily assign tasks and notify users via email. The workflow securely enables access to all information related to the task and keeps it properly documented and recorded.

Featured Resources


PSM Compliance Made Easy with Process Safety Enterprise®

Realizing Cost and Safety Benefits

How many times has your facility incurred a near-miss or worse, an incident due to poorly documented procedures, training, or other safe work practices? How much money and lost opportunity is all this costing your company? Finally, how many times have you thought about fixing the problem? Read this paper for practical knowledge management solutions.

Read the White Paper

Featured Case Studies


Chemical Manufacturer Management of Change Case Study

Paper-based Management of Change (MOC) processes that rely on individuals to keep track of changes are prone to human error and competing priorities. After years of storing and maintaining paper trails of Management of Change (MOC) orders, the client faced the reality that nearly twenty percent of this paperwork was somehow lost or misplaced. Process Safety Enterprise® not only greatly improved efficiency, but also created transparency at all organizational levels.

Read the Case Study
A chemicals producer needed an evaluation of a Maleic Anhydride (MAN) unit to ensure compliance with the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 Process Safety Management (PSM) standard. 
A leading producer of chemicals and related products needed an evaluation of their Light Olefins Unit to ensure compliance with the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 PSM standard.
A California oil refinery capable of refining 240 thousand barrels of crude oil per day needed to evaluate a vapor break-through scenario from a high-pressure vessel to a low-pressure vessel using dynamics.

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