We are looking forward to our complimentary* two-day live, virtual conference on process safety happening January 29-30, 2024. Engage, share and connect with our developers, founders, and guest speakers. Knowledge gained has real-life application and relevant to today’s changing environment.
*This is a free virtual event for software license holders. All information regarding the 18th Annual Global Software Users Group Meeting is subject to change without notice. Restrictions may apply.
Watch this 25 minute video and see how you can better track necessary equipment ITPM and better comply with asset integrity regulations. Be sure to save the date for our 2024 conference for more valuable tips to reduce risk and improve efficiency.
Trish Kerin Director, IChemE
Rick Engler, CSP Board Member, U.S. Chemical Safety Board
Mark R. Briggs, CSP OSHA Area Director for Houston South
Vanessa Sutherland Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed. We hope you can join us next year.